Stefan HeinemannTeam


Stefan Heinemann was born in Mönchengladbach in 1951 and grew up there.

He studied law and art history at the universities of Würzburg, Vienna and Munich. He passed his second state law exam in Würzburg in 1978 and has been working as a lawyer ever since, initially in Munich and since 1991 in Dresden. From 1997 to 2019, he was a specialist lawyer in criminal law.

In August 2019, he joined the law firm DANCKERT BÄRLEIN & PARTNER. He lives in Dresden and Venice, since 2022 back in Dresden.

From 1998 to 2018, he was a lecturer in various criminal law and criminal procedure law departments at the TU Dresden, the DIU Dresden and the Mittweida University of Applied Sciences. Here he taught “Strategic Legal Communication” in the Communication Sciences faculty.

He places a particular emphasis on promoting art, also collecting contemporary art himself, and is particularly involved in the Verein der Freunde des Kupferstich-Kabinetts Dresden e.V. (Friends of the Dresden Museum of Prints and Drawings) and as chairman of the board for the Junges Musikalisches Podium Dresden-Venedig e. V. (Young Musical Podium Dresden-Venice).



  • Freundeskreis des Teatro La Fenice (Venedig) e.V.
  • Museumsverein Abteiberg e.V. Mönchengladbach
  • Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst e.V. Dresden
  • Paragone e.V. Freundeskreis der Skulpturensammlung der Staatl. Kunstsammlungen Dresden


  • Haushaltsuntreue in Prüssing (Hrsg) Handbuch der Kommunalfinanzen, Beck 2004
  • Die praktische Relevanz der Cranioskopie, Der Fall Strehle, in: „Carl Gustav Carus, Wahrnehmung und Konstruktion“, Hrsg.: Staatl. Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Berlin 2009
  • „Ich bin nicht meine Zielgruppe“, Die Sammlung Stefan Heinemann, Katalog Kunsthaus Dresden, Köln 2017