Danckert Bärlein Partner

White-Collar Crime

Business is risky – and some of those risks stem from criminal law. Lawmakers rely more than ever on criminal prohibitions to regulate business life. Hardly a law is passed today which does not include a list of potential crimes and fines.

Business decisions are increasingly questioned in hindsight by courts and regulators. Specialized investigative agencies with international reach not only pursue suspected wrongdoers, but also supervisors and the business itself – often with consequences that can threaten the continued operation of the business.

Effective defense in white-collar cases requires more than just legal expertise. Not only must the defense lawyer understand the business context, he must also be capable of explaining it to representatives of the justice system, who generally have no business experience. Complex cases, in particular, demand strategic thinking, perseverance, and a skill for grasping the diverse interests of different parties to a proceeding.

Our lawyers have significant experience in this area. They advise not only individuals but firms in all areas and of all sizes, and provide defense in all stages of criminal and administrative offence proceedings. They also support firms during investigations of irregularities (internal investigations) and help them to assert their rights as crime victims before investigative authorities.

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